Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I still don't get it...

I’m still reading through the Book of “Matthew.”  I’m walking through the chapters that discuss the return of God’s kingdom; The wheat and weeds, the good and bad, the casting out into “utter darkness”, virgins and lamps and the like and I’ve got to be honest about something.  

Even through my major in college was directed towards understanding and applying the Bible, even through I’ve been around biblical teachings for 25 years, even though I’ve professionally taught the Bible for 3 years, even though I’m now working on a master degree in Theology, even with all that….

I still don’t get it.

I wish I did, but I don't.

I mean I can parrot back to you what I’ve heard others say, what I’ve heard quote unquote “experts” says. (I know I didn’t need to write quote unquote, I just thought it added to the “effect”) But I can’t say with all honesty that I’m a hundred percent convinced of what all these words mean.

But in the midst of all my unknown, my questions, my uncertainty, I do know…

God is good…

God deeply cares for mankind…

It pisses God off when he see’s the brokenness of this world…

He’s going to fit it all…




He’s invited us to be apart of that fixing


So for what the future holds I’m clueless, but I do know with certainty I long to love God and love others.  And if I can just get that “figured out” (quote unquote) I’m sure the rest will work its self out.


So here’s to figuring out the simple things… Love God, Love others

(quote unquote)


Kevin said...

Too true - think what would happen if we had all the answers? I'm trying to practice humility too and honest admission of my finite understanding.

Enjoy the mystery that makes God, God.

Colleen said...

Matt, I completely understand your not getting it! I often feel the same way, and when I do, I just go back to "your ways are not my ways and your words are not my words" Ok, I didn't get it exactly right, but you probably know it exactly! I just tell myself, maybe I am just not supposed to get it.....yet