Friday, October 30, 2009


During a recent trip to Georgia to visit family I found myself in the passenger seat of my dad's jeep rolling down I-85. We were taking my Nephew to his bi-weekly enzyme treatment for Gaucher Disease (pronounced Go-shaa). If you've never heard of it don't feel bad only around 10,000 people in the world have been diagnosed with it, so it's not extremely common to hear about. Anyway, back to the jeep, I-85 and me in the passenger seat. I found myself during this particular trip holding my camera (surprise surprise me with a camera) as I was working on compiling some images to help retell Gabe's journey with Gaucher. Well, as I was editing the pictures from that morning I discovered these pics that had been snapped along the way and thought I'd share them. There's something about them that makes me like em. Something about the heaven's colliding with the rough oddity of man. Or the simplicity of curves, or the contrast of the colors, or something. Needless to say, I like the pics, and I hope you do as well

Thursday, October 29, 2009

one sweet trip...

Pearl and I are just in from one of the sweetest trips to Georgia I think I’ve ever had. My family has started the tradition of taking a collection of photos from our little mini vacations together and creating a little coffee table book of our time. As we wrapped up the creation of the book together I was asked to write the section of text that would open up the book. I felt like this pretty well captures my view of this trip.

“a Celebration... of a year of life... of time together... of long hugs... of evening walks... of deep laughs... and of a family who is defined by it’s love…

Celebration was the reason for these delightful days of time well spent together. We gathered together to publicly celebrate Garrett’s first birthday, but truth be told it was also a celebration of our family. Of being able to see each other for another time, to laugh at each other’s funny moments, to share the stories that tell the collection of our days, and to see the joy glisten in each others eyes as time is simply being well spent together.

These are the images that filled our days, but many other images now rest in the recesses our memories and excitement builds as we now turn from this celebration of being together to the next.”

Here are a couple of the images that marked the highlights of our time.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

one man's junk is... well... let's be honest, another man's junk

Was unpacking clothes from our recent trip to Georgia. It seems like I always have a couple of extra items to put up when I return from being with my family… well specifically my mom. Her love language is gifts and she loves the gift of clothing the most. So whenever the opportunity arises for her to buy a new shirt, pair of pants, or even just underwear and socks she get’s all excited and starts pulling out her credit card. Once again I’m not saying this is a good or bad thing, it’s just my mom’s thing. I hate spending money on clothes, so I think it’s a good thing for me.

Well, I’ve been trying to limit how many unnecessary clothes I keep in my closet, to limit the excessive unused clothing that will ultimately rot from simply sitting and try to pass these unwanted articles to a needy soul that might just actually use them.

So upon the unpacking of this trips new bounty I decided a fall closet cleaning was in order.

I started with the dress pants and shirts, then quickly moved to the shorts, then shirts and pants, then over to the sock stash, and finally found myself sitting in the middle of a pile of shoes asking which ones would make the cut and which ones… well would be quickly finding a new home.

I easily tossed a couple of ratty pairs out, then a pair I never really liked to begin with, but then I picked one pair and thought

“wow I haven’t warn these in years, they still have a lot of life in them, practically new… maybe I should keep em.”

At this moment a wave of embarrassment landed on me as I realized the stupidity of my comment. See, the holey ratty pairs where tossed into the “good will” pile with out a second thought, but when a pair that I haven’t warn in literally over a year but still looked new came into question I paused, and thought about hording the good ones to myself. Give away the junk but keep the nice.

We’ve all said “one man’s junk is another’s treasure” well I think we use that line of thinking to pass off our junk that really is just another man’s junk.

I long for the day when I naturally think about not just giving away my junk, but graciously and excitedly give the things that still have value and are worth using. To not simply pass my junk off to someone else and feel like I’ve done a good deed, but to pass along things of value and usefulness, that may be “excess or unusable” to me, but actually treasures to someone else.

On a side note – I’ve not decided to never buy another hanger, if clothes come in… well then clothes need to go out. May be knowing I’ll have to give up something will keep me from buying unneeded items, and when new items are blessed my way, I can bless good items to someone else.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Country table Commercial and a great steak

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to be a part of a pretty cool project. A local restaurant was putting together a television commercial that was part video, part still images; and I was asked to take the photos for the project. If I was honest I would say my favorite part was not taking the photos, or even seeing the final video, although I was very pleased with both, but in helping to solve a major problem. See, the steak we had worked with it couldn’t be served to customers and it would have simply been wrong to throw it away… so I did a real noble thing and offered to eat it so it wouldn’t go to waste. Mom would have been proud of me for not allow food to go to waste, someone had to do, and I’m just glad I was able to help out.

Last thing. I was asked to clarify that the coupons that are being talked about in the video are $50 coupons being sold for $30… I’m not a math major but I think that’s a pretty good deal.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

a trash walk...

The other day I went for a walk around my neighborhood. You know type of walk where you really have no destination or purpose in mind other then simply enjoying the bright leaves and breathing the crisp fall air as deeply as you can. I don't do this enough, it's good for my soul. I've come to the realization that I'm very "plugged in" to technology, the internet, facebook, twitter, etc. and I don't especially like that, so these walks are becoming a high priority for me.

Well, on this walk I noticed a cigarette butt, and then a chips bag, and then a bottle, and then somehow I found myself laying on the sidewalk taking pictures of these random pieces of trash. Yes, you would have passed a grown adult male laying on sidewalk with camera in hand intensely focusing on a piece of trash, and I'm sure some folks driving by wanted to take my picture at this awkward sight.

Well, above is a little collection of what I saw and as I look at it makes me to wonder what if I started picking up instead of just walking by... who knows, it might in a small way to change my block, my city, our world.

So next time you pass an adult male laying on the side walk with a camera in hand intensely focusing on a piece of trash, look to see if he also has a small trash bag with him, if so it might just be me.

till next time...

Monday, October 12, 2009


My wife and I both hold deeply to our faith. We have both been through some muddy experiences with it but at the end of the day we both choose to believe and to believe deeply, and to allow this believing to drastically shape how our life is played out. A central theme to our faith is this idea of Sabbath, a day set aside to rest, to reflect and to remember what life is really all about. In a way, to allow our lives to be synced to something outside of the madness and chaos of everyday life.

We need Sabbath.

Our lives are full. Running a business, both being in fulltime grad school, valuing our marriage and time together, as well as keeping the important relationships alive… we still want to love and be loved by our friends and family, so not letting them slip by the roadside.

Yesterday we had Sabbath.

We slept till our bodies couldn’t sleep anymore, yes we skipped church, but we skipped so our souls could live, I think God understands. We then cooked waffles together, yes together, flirting with the flour and sharing bits of delicious syrup covered goodness. We then walked hand in hand, puppy on leash, till we couldn’t walk anymore. We stopped at one of the best ice cream shots in town.

We then sat, ate ice cream, and talked… together.

It was nice…. Really really nice.

We then walked home.

We each rested… Pearl curling up with a book; I taking to more walking but this time with a camera.

As I walked I shot random pictures around my house… my little world.

As I shot I started noticing the amazing flowers, the autumn leaves, the coolness in the wind… I remembered the world is a beautiful place.

I remembered to look around, to pause, and to not miss the world around me.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

a prodigal & a suitcase...

This is one of those blogs that I’m simply thrilled to post.

A little over 4 years ago Pearl and I moved to Lancaster PA to be on staff with one of the best churches I have ever been exposed to. The church (LCBC) does things with amazing excellence; creating gatherings and environments that those who avoid religion as if it were the swine flu feel welcomed and comfortable, as well as those who grew up in the church and simply feel like there’s nothing new to be experienced. This community of believers reshaped and gave life to my struggling beliefs when I needed it the most. I have an amazing respect and trust for the leadership, which is saying a lot when you’re as cynical towards the church as I have been.

The other day I was asked who has influenced me the most in the past 5 years and with little thought I knew that it was Jason Mitchell, the guy simply gets faith, doubt, struggles, and the nasty journey of figuring out how an ancient faith becomes real today. I simply have some crazy respect and admiration for the man.

Well, last Monday he invited me to spearhead a last minute project for his team. They saw a video online of the prodigal story, loved it, but wanted it retold with one of their students. We collected our thoughts, dreamed a little, reshaped it, and as a team came up with what you see below. It was a blast to work along side his team, Shannon (the amazing 7th grader in the pictures) was a blast to photograph, and knowing that roughly 600 middle schoolers heard about what real love and forgiveness is makes my heart feel a little warm and fuzzy.

Hope you enjoy…

a prodigal & a suitcase from Matt Parks on Vimeo.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Converse & Chinese food

Here’s another image from the shoot earlier in the week. It’s just sitting on me; like some Chinese food you ate way too much of way too late, but in a good kind of way. You know what I mean, that feeling in the center of your chest that keeps you up at night pondering. Well instead of pondering what it was I just ate (hoping it was chicken)… I’ve been wrestling to pin point what it is in this picture that feels like it connects with where I’m at in life right now.

Is it the movement?

The uncertainty?

The journey?

The excitement of going?

The rawness or realness?

Or just the fact that seconds after snapping the shot those pearly converse were covered in mud, and my cons are covered in mud as well… may be I should just clean them?



Thursday, October 01, 2009

what a week...

What a week so far. Monday was my last day working at the Lodge, inc of Pa. Tuesday I started on a creative project for LCBC, wrote out my to-do list, accidently deleted my calendar, then found a way to retrieve my deleted calendar, scary!

Wednesday I answered what felt like 400 emails, meet with an amazing videographer, Brain Shaub, about possibly partnering with each other, then saw a concept design for our new website from the talented Nate Hamilton and shot a portrait session for the creative project, and ended the day by meeting a bride to talk about possibly shooting her wedding.

Then was up this morning (Thursday) at 4:20 am (yes I did say AM) to have breakfast with a friend, stole a quick nap from 6-7, and then off to starbucks for a book discussion (not really work related but was still really good), then to LCBC to edit photos, and film a video using them.

I’m now waiting on lightroom to export the photos, then it’s off to the printer, then the “studio” (aka, the table with a rug on it next to a huge window) to film.

Well looks like the export is now finished let’s go print some pictures.

Here’s a couple of my favorite from last night.