Monday, October 12, 2009


My wife and I both hold deeply to our faith. We have both been through some muddy experiences with it but at the end of the day we both choose to believe and to believe deeply, and to allow this believing to drastically shape how our life is played out. A central theme to our faith is this idea of Sabbath, a day set aside to rest, to reflect and to remember what life is really all about. In a way, to allow our lives to be synced to something outside of the madness and chaos of everyday life.

We need Sabbath.

Our lives are full. Running a business, both being in fulltime grad school, valuing our marriage and time together, as well as keeping the important relationships alive… we still want to love and be loved by our friends and family, so not letting them slip by the roadside.

Yesterday we had Sabbath.

We slept till our bodies couldn’t sleep anymore, yes we skipped church, but we skipped so our souls could live, I think God understands. We then cooked waffles together, yes together, flirting with the flour and sharing bits of delicious syrup covered goodness. We then walked hand in hand, puppy on leash, till we couldn’t walk anymore. We stopped at one of the best ice cream shots in town.

We then sat, ate ice cream, and talked… together.

It was nice…. Really really nice.

We then walked home.

We each rested… Pearl curling up with a book; I taking to more walking but this time with a camera.

As I walked I shot random pictures around my house… my little world.

As I shot I started noticing the amazing flowers, the autumn leaves, the coolness in the wind… I remembered the world is a beautiful place.

I remembered to look around, to pause, and to not miss the world around me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all need these times to reflect and draw closer to each other and our God.
Love you two!
Mom Currey