The sounds of past “evangelists” are now ringing in my head. Their messages blaring loud, loaded with hate, judgment, and condemnation, void of grace or peace. The image is usually of a white male, overweight, in a white button up dress shirt, passionately (or possibly viciously) screaming out into the masses of innocent people who are unfortunate enough to walk by his message of wreath.
That’s my general view.
I know it’s a very bias view but I’m being honest, and I believe others would share this view with me. (I could explain more why this is so, but that not my point here.)
As I passed this gentle giant of a man I noticed he held out little pamphlets of paper for the drivers stuck in traffic to reach out and take.
He said nothing
Just held his pamphlet out
Sun baring hot down on his sweetly forehead, a watermark around his collar
I expected my past feelings to arise, for my amazing ability to judge and condemn and to stereotype to kick in, but it never came,
A swirl of emotions ran around on my inside until a very different emotion stayed still.
One I did not expect
I admired him.
He was sharing what he believed in, gentll, humbly, but none the less against the stares and negative assumptions of the crowds passing by.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about 1 Peter 3:15
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”
He was doing this,
In a way he knew
With gentleness and respect
His form is not a form I normally appreciate,
but his heart I greatly admire
May I live a life of gentleness and respect
May strangers feel like they could come and receive warm hugs from just seeing the countenance on my face
God thank you for giving us a hope worth sharing
But may we now ooze gentleness and respect from our lives in such a way that people are begging to know what’s within.
1 comment:
Eric wants to know if you know what this big change is....he thinks you are moving..I said no..wanna settle that for us?
And very interesting blog- I am one of 'those' people who look down and walk fast as to not actually notice or talk to anyone..small town raised I was not :) So I wish I could have seen this teddy bear of a man!
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