Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I sat down to express my thoughts, to try and get something out, but all I’ve managed to do is sit here and look at this screen. But that’s ok, I think God doesn’t mind me just sitting here.

I don’t do that enough, just sit, just be, just … nothing.


God, please realign my heart with your kingdom, let the desires that drive me, be deeply rooted in what drives you, pleases you.


God, let my life be less concerned about me and my fame, my name, my reputation, my glory, and a little more concerned about making much of you.


God, you know the things I like to complain about, the fault I like to point out, the blame I like to give, I’m sorry for trying to control the world around me, you take the lead, you make right what needs to be fixed, you know what’s best, help me know how to help and not be in the way.


Let my heart ache for those who don’t know you, just like your’s did for me. Let your truth be woven deep into the fabric of my life, expressing itself in all situations, sometimes softly, sometime strong.


May my thoughts be a reflection of your thoughts

PS – Zuri has just started snoring as she sleeps in my lap, one paw on my arm, her head on my leg. God may I rest in you, may you hear my snores


Anonymous said...

Pausing? Thats the dumbest thing I ever heard

Anonymous said...

I printed your prayer for my will be a great daily reminder for me. J Page