Monday, November 16, 2009


God is truly good. Yeah I know that sounds cheesy and like I should be standing in some sports stadium with a hack job poster around my neck with my shirt off, shaking my belly like a bowl full of jelly (just wanted to say that, jelly belly, belly jelly, I’m now smiling like a silly kid, ha ha). But truth be told, even when life is really tough and things just seem to be landing on you like a ton of bricks, The goodness of God is still lingering around, like breadcrumbs that fell on the floor that you never seem to be able to sweep up.

I’ve not had any bricks thrown at me this week, to which I say “thank you” but I have had moments to just pause and be reminded of just how good this life can be.

I could list the usual items of health, family, friends, etc. But for me I saw God’s goodness today in a couple of difference ways, I saw it in:
- a delightful cup of coffee with friends
- a phone conversation that instilled hope
- accidently deleting a file only to be reminded I had a back up made (3 times)
- enjoyed a delightful senior portrait session with a student I once worked with in student ministry
- sitting on the couch with my amazing wife eating spaghetti and just letting our elbows touch as we do whatever we’re both doing on our computers
- a run that reminded me I’m alive
- and listening to my coonhound snore next to me… yeah she loves us so much she’s wanting to sleep next to us one the couch.

Yeah, God is good. I hope I now can only continue to see the breadcrumbs of this goodness sprinkled all around.

Here are a couple of my favorite pics from today’s portrait session.

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