Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Passionate thoughts, fears, desires.

Written on March 25th, 2009 while sitting in the middle of Parkcity mall

So, I really should not be blogging right now, I have too much homework, business work, and life work that I should be doing but these feelings and thoughts have been stirring in my soul like a wondering banshee that needs to just find his home. So this morning I will aim to put words to them, hopefully in less then a novel.

My greatest fear right now is loosing my heartbeat. Loosing the thing that makes my heart pump faster then anything else in this life, the thing that I have daydreamed about since I was a little kid riding our lawnmower around our backyard, the thing that drove me in college to grasp the lessons, the thing that called us back into graduate school, and the thing that still now can still bring tears to my eyes.

God has given me since I was a little kid the drive to love people. To know people, to take the time and to hear about their days, dreams, lives, fears, and in some weird way be a part of the process of intersecting their life with the amazing presence of our God. To help people move from the brokenness of this world back to how God intended.

I have heard people about the “gospel” in terms that make my heart sink. This is a term that I fear is becoming as neutered and tamed in the church as a large overweight hunting dog laying next to a floor heater in an inner city apartment. It’s losing it’s wildness, it’s fullness.

The Gospel to me is so much more then simply not going to hell, all though that’s a huge thing, and a some thing that I’m personally very thankful for. But the gospel is also about our lives and this world being put back together, for wrongs being made right, for relationships learning what love, grace, forgiveness is. For parents to know what it means to love and sacrifice for their families, for kids to know what it’s like to be accepted, cherished, valued and loved. For those we pass by every day to know that they are beautifully made, and that they have tremendous value.

This is my heart beat, this is what drives me beyond a normal life.

Yet, I fear of loosing this to the demands of a world that says I need to pay my mortgage, invest in retirement, live at a certain way. Things that yet again are not bad.

I long to lead, to inspire and to spend my life investing in communities where this truth can be captured, lived, and extended.

But I currently feel like I’m not doing this, and I wondering how long people will be able to be “paid” to do this.

So, what if someone who has been trained, equipped and longs to lead in this way could say to a faith community, “what can I do to help, how can I serve this community to further that message? And guess what, I’ll do it for free”

That’s way we’re looking at starting our own business. That’s way the idea of owning our schedule looks so appealing. To own my days, my life, and then to give it to something that I deeply believe in, but in more then a here’s my couple of hours off here and there, but here’s 20 hours a week, I’ll change my schedule, my rhythms so that this message can be extended.

That’s way pearl and I are playing around with launching Pearl Street Photography. Cause you know we all have skills and talents. I’ve been blessed to know how to work a camera, now I’m asking how could I use that talent to maximize my life for the massage of Christ.

Faith, Hope, Love

May the generations to come truly know what those words mean.

May Pearl and I spend out lives living and showing these words amazing meaning.


Anonymous said...

My heart resonates with yours. Since I've been around the block a few more years than you, I have a perspective that may or may not make sense. I've found that God has not wasted any chapter in my life: the good, bad, sad, and joyous. I've done lots of things to make ends meet: from McDonalds to Pizza Hut, from professor to student, from youth pastor to dentist. I've seen God open ministry opportunities everywhere I've been, without exception. There have been times when I longed to move on to the next chapter, even though my ministry in the present chapter was incomplete. My encouragement for you would be to savor each day and each new or existing job as an opportunity and challenge yourself not to miss a chance to be a minister. Passion comes from living for Christ today, whether it is as a neighbor, or with an Apple tag around your neck, in a pulpit, on the bus, or on the ground with a homeless person. I suspect that Christ would be found in the same venues.

Procrastination said...

so I have to because, well its me, but I would really love it if right now I could get a massage from God :)

But we pray for you and decided at the parent conference that B should just spend more time with you and Pearl, instead of having us for parents! We love you guys!

Shamus said...

Go get 'em Matt.

philliphorner said...

Your thoughts are always challenging....

Hope said...

oh wow, dear friend, i understand this fear and the desire that comes from it to push beyond "paying the bills" to really love people.

im very excited about Pearl St. photography and count me in the darkroom!

know you are already loving others well. one person at a time.

ive been thinking about how Jesus Himself didnt do the "masses" thing, in fact His followers were quite few. i think this says something about Gods heart for relationship - about one person at a choice, one heart at a time..

realizing this ^^ has validated my being here in nepal and doing what some days feels like "nothing." Sitting with the poor, hours of awkward conversations with the language barrier. holding babies. laying in bed being sick. drinking tea with the neighborhood. its helped me relax and realize if God loves one person at a time, im not in such a hurry.

im so glad you and pearl are in my life. : )

Matthew Bellis said...

Of course I am going to focus on the business side, but if you want freedom to do what you will, that is where you gotta start. Let me just give you one piece of advice.

BE DIFFERENT. Find something within photography that sets you apart from everyone else. All the while, gain relationships where there is a mutual benefit to not only you, and future beneficiaries.

BE UNIQUE. Make pictures that scream out, Matt Parks made this, have that style that language that portrays you as an artist,

BE CHALLENGING. With your photos be the one picture that people just can not turn away from. One of the most offensive people of all time, was the most perfect person in the world, and they killed him for it.