Monday, April 13, 2009

"F" is the letter of the day

So yesterday was Easter.

A holiday that for me is normally known for a couple of things, all which surprisingly begin with "F" - Faith, family, and food.

Pearl and I tried to do all three.

Faith - a wonderful service at church.

Family - we both live 12+ hours from our families, so a nice long phone was in order

Food - She surprised me with breakfast in bed and I returned the gesture with my rockin' "turkey and cheese melt" (which she still had to help me get just right. Its no lie, I'm not a cook)

But Easter is also known (at least in my family) as a day for pictures. So I had the wonderful joy of photographing my extremely hot and fabulously-funny-friend-fair-fantastic-feminine wife (how's that for the use of "f")

It was extremely hard to narrow down the pictures to few, but here's my favorites.


ps - love ya Pearl!


p said...

aw, babe i love you so much! you're my faithful, fun, funny, freakin awesome man!

Hope said...

loooooove this.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely girl!!!
Love you both,
Mom Currey

abigail said...

what a hottie wife you have! ;)

Anonymous said...

matt you're really turning into a great photographer!

all of our pics are top notch, keep it up!