Sunday, January 04, 2009

Homemade soup, pixelmator and me

The other day while at work I found out that I got a pretty sweet deal on a program called "pixelmator" (yes, I do feel like I'm "towmator" from cars every time I say it's name, just gotta have fun with that) When I say a sweet deal, I mean something like 100% off, which really turned out to be only 70%, but it was still cheap enough for me to make the jump and get it.

I have been looking for a photoshop like program for a while now, but didn't want to spend the hundreds for Photoshop, wasn't really impressed with my free trail of Photoshop elements, but when this came across my path with a mere $15 price tag  I was convinced.

Pearl and I have had a delightfully wonderful day relaxing at home, making homemade soup, and just putzing around on our computers.  So as Pearl sleep/watched a online show I learned a little about my new found "pixelmator"

here's a couple of my first projects.  Nothing too crazy, just simple layers and effects, but still a start.

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