Thursday, January 08, 2009

the dance...

Our faith seems to be like a dance. 

A dance that appears to be made up of two partners, one being faith and the other action.  Faith cannot not be accompanied by action nor action act outside of faith, the two must go hand in hand.

But in my own life I’ve let one of the dance partners take too strong of a lead and overpower and maybe even overshadow the other. The guilty tyrant in this dance is faith.  I’ve let faith excuse my lake of action. 

But a echo in my life as of late has been God gently reminding me of my  need for action.  To move my belief from my heart to my hands, from my head to my feet.

This morning I was reminded of this as I read John the Baptist’s words against the Pharisee in his day.  To paraphrase him in my own words he said “the Fruit trees that are not producing fruit are about to get toppled, they’re about to be firewood”

Fruitless fruit trees? Nonsense!

Is that like a loveless Christian, or maybe a resentful Christian, or possibly a charity-less Christian?

But you don’t know what they did!

I’m so extremely busy right now.

When we’re out of this recession then I’ll be able to…

I have my excuses, I have my reasons, but God was clear, Fruit trees bear fruit, and people who are followers of the way of Jesus are moved to action.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Good analogy - good thoughts.