Back in college as Pearl and I entered into the wonderful world of road tripping across the United states from one family to the other, as we traveled we begun an unique but great practice... Reading to each other!
So in our journey's across the Eastern United States we have read school books, relational books, dog books, work related books, and even just plain old fun reading books.
So this trip as we loaded the car to head to Minneapolis for Pearl sister’s College graduation the tough choice had to be made of what book we shall read. The winning book was a recent addition to our library which was picked up at a recent leadership conference we attendee.
“Axiom: Powerful Leadership Proverbs” by Bill Hybels
I plan on blogged more about this in the future but until that time I highly recommend this book. It contains 70+ bite size nuggets of leadership wisdom. Wisdom ranging from vision casting and teamwork to activity and integrity. Each proverb is only a page or two and is just loaded with leadership goodness.
As the number of pages read grew so did that scary drive in our hearts to lead better. To say there’s something on the horizon that could be but more important should be.That there’s something in the distance that needs to be pulled into the present.
Something that this world must experience!
This book seemed to echo what God has been whispering in my heart as of late...”what am I leading towards, what’s my vision?” or basically
“what am I giving my life to?”
That is the million dollar question in my life right now.
I believe in clear strong leadership
I believe God has gifted me to lead
Now is just the awkward period of listening to God to find out where to go!
So, where is your life going? What do you believe could be and should be? Where are you leading?
i am encouraged by your commitment to seek the lord and appreciate your openness to let that be known.
we are reading "too busy not too pray" by the same author..its a great book! Jennifer
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