Thursday, June 19, 2008

asking boldly yet holding loosely

So I’ve been thinking a lot here lately, I fear a little too much thinking.

It became public this past Tuesday that Pearl and I resigned from our positions at LCBC. My reasoning was to free up my Tuesday nights so I could finally begin my master degree at Biblical seminary.

With my impending unemployment approaching I applied for an amazing job this past Monday, one I’m realizing I would absolutely love to have. I’m praying boldly to get it, yet I’ve learned (through some very hard headed lessons) that God actually does know more then I do, and in that knowledge he may know that the best for Pearl and I is not in that job but another.

So here sit I, trying to balance it all, filling like emotions and life are being juggled all around.

God I ask bold, yet hold loosely,

It is truly in you that my trust and faith are in,

In the midst of the fear, unknown and chaos, may I rest in knowing that You (God) are near, you care, you know, and in the fact that I am so deeply loved.

Here's a video that puts my emotions into pictures

1 comment:

adam hann said...

That's a cool video. What did you use to make the image?