Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So here the first, we'll see how long this last

So as the title reads this is my first blog ever. In the past I was not a fan of blogging, but after reading some of my friend's blogs and also realizing that everyone was doing it I decided to give into pear pressure and conform to societies definition of cool! So here I go attempting to be cool and to fit in by blogging. But to be honest I now feel like I am just rambling and typing to just fill space. I guess this gets easier over time. Kind of like talking to your father-in-law or something. You're scared to death the first time, and studier all over your words, but come two years later, after asking him "The Big Question" you are starting to talk like normal humans, and it almost feels natural. I've always thought I was better communicating with my mouth then I was with written words, so in reality there could be absolutely no connection between blogging and talking with your father-in-law. Who knows, and honestly who cares. Well blogging must be a little like exercising, you've gotta start out slow, or you'll be sorry for it the next day. I may not be sore from blogging tomorrow, but if I don't get some work done, I'll be sore after I get done digging ditches because I'm fired! Gotta go, Gotta work. Till next time, hopefully there is a next time.


Ash Sinniger said...

hey, whats up? lovin' the site!! im so glad that you decided to make a looking forward to reading your blog....ttyl


Jason Mitchell said...

Gotta keep it up. I would love to peer into your thoughts and here your reflections.


Anonymous said...

i love you babe! way to jump on the bandwagon :)